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WhatsApp short forms: 1. AFAIK = As far as I know 2. AFK = Away from keyboard 3. ATM = At the moment 4. B/c = Because 5. B/w = Between ...

WhatsApp short forms:

WhatsApp short forms:

1. AFAIK = As far as I know
2. AFK = Away from keyboard
3. ATM = At the moment
4. B/c = Because
5. B/w = Between
6. B4 = Before
7. BBIAB = Be back in a bit
8. BBl = Be back later
9. BFF = Best friends forever
10. BRB = Be right back
11. BTW = By the way
12. CTN = Can't talk now
‌13. CYE = Check your E-mail
14. DI = Download
15. ETA = Estimated time of arrival
16. FWIW = For what it's worth
17. FYI = For your information
18. GG = Good game
19. MMB = Message me back
20. Msg = Message
21. MYOB = Mind your own business
22. N/A = Not available
23. NC = No comment
24. NE1 = Anyone
25. NM = Not much
26. NP = no problem
27. NTN = No thanks needed
28. OMG = Oh my God!
29. OMY = On my way
30. OT = Off topic
31. PC = Personal computer
32. Pls = please
33. POS = Parent over shoulder
34. Ppl = People
35. Re = Regarding
36. SMH = Shaking my head
37. SRY - Sorry
38. THX = Thanks
39. IAC = In any case
40. IC = I see
41. TTYL = Talk to you later
42. IMO: In my opinion
43. IMHO: In My Humble (Honest) Opinion