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Daily News Vocabulary     Racism - जातिवाद   Discrimination ‐  भेदभाव   Nab - Catch (someone) doing something wrong गिरफ्तार Arr...

News Vocab

Daily News Vocabulary
Racism - जातिवाद 
Discrimination ‐ भेदभाव  
Nab - Catch (someone) doing something wrong गिरफ्तार Arrest
Gratitude - A feeling of being thankful - धन्यवाद देना 
Much-Awaited - बहुप्रतिक्षित 
Release - Allow to Freedom - रिहा करना
On Behalf of - के तरफ से, की ओर से
Chills - A feelings of surprise - आश्चर्य चकित 
Scion - वंशज
Assassination - राजनीतिक हत्या
Fake - Something which not real - नकली
Ape -  To copy someone behaviour or Appearance - नकल करना 
Introduce / Commence - to start Something - आरंभ करना
Suspend -To officially stop doing Something  - निलंबित करना
Face - To deal with - सामना करना
Draw - To make a line - लकीर बनाना या लिखना
Indelible - Not able to be forgotten - जो भूला न जा सके
Enable - To allow -
Address - To speak directly - संबोधित करना
Loop - A series of photos/ sound which end is connected to the beginning  - लूप
Flaw - Some Mistake or Fault - खामी
Hike - To increase - वृद्धि
Collaborate - To work together -
Set to - To begin doing something
Reportedly - According to what some say -  कथित तौर पर
Instant - Immediately - तत्काल
Lead - To guide a group of people - नेतृत्व
Skip - To fail to attend or abandon a topic
Fine - A some of money paid for  breaking a law.
Word related to Eye
Blinks - पलक झपकाना, ऑख झपकाना
Wink - ऑख मारना
Squint - पलक दबा के देखना
Start - घूरना
Glance - एक झलक देखना