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Ways to say Thank you: (धन्यवाद कहने के तरीके) 1. Thank you When you want to say thank you to someone, instead of just saying thank you, u...

Ways to say Thank you: (धन्यवाद कहने के तरीके)

Ways to say Thank you: (धन्यवाद कहने के तरीके)

1. Thank you

When you want to say thank you to someone, instead of just saying thank you, use these phrases (जब आप किसी को "thank you"(धन्यवाद) बोल रहें हो, तो केवल "thank you" बोलने से बेहतर है, इन phrases का इस्तेमाल करें):

Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot!
It's very much appreciated.
I appreciate it.
Many thanks.
Thanks for your help.

2. That's very kind of you

When you want to tell someone, how kind they are to help you, use these phrases: (जब आप किसी को धन्यवाद कहते समय यह बताना चाहते है, की वह कितने दयालु है, तो इन phrases का इस्तेमाल करें):

That's very nice of you
That's so kind of you
Your're very generous
You're very kind
You helped me a lot, thank you

3. Thank you for a nice day

When you want to thank someone for a day well spent, use these phrases: (जब आप किसी को धनयवाद कहते समय यह बताना चाहते हैं, की आपका दिन उनके साथ अच्छा बीता, तो इन phrases का इस्तेमाल करें):

Thank you, I had a nice time today
I had a lot of fun today, thanks!
I enjoyed myself today, thank you