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Anyone v/s Any one, No one v/s None The confusion with anyone and any one, none and no one could be blamed on the way they sound. (इन शब्दो...

Anyone v/s Any one का इस्तेमाल सीखें

Anyone v/s Any one, No one v/s None

The confusion with anyone and any one, none and no one could be blamed on the way they sound. (इन शब्दों में confusion इनके उच्चारण के तरीके की वजह से होता है.)

1. Anyone - is used for people and never for inanimate objects (Anyone का उपयोग इंसानो के लिए होता है नाकि निर्जीव चीज़ों के लिए.)

Anyone = Pronoun -> people

Anyone can do this! (कोई भी यह करा सकता है)
I am throwing a party and anyone can come. (मैं एक पार्टी रख रहा हूँ और कोई भी आ सकता है)

2. Any one - one is a determiner that point out to a singular item. (यहां Any one एक निर्धारक (determiner) है जो एकवचन वस्तु को इंगित करता है)
Any one = 2 adjectives   things and people

Any one is used to create drama or emphasis
Any single one is used for more emphasis
Any one time is used for clarity and emphasis

I couldn't bear to lose any one of you.
I couldn't bear to lose any single one of you
We have not gone out for lunch at any one time and not had Pizza

3. None - not any persons or things (कोई भी नहीं, ना व्यक्ति ना वस्तु)
None = Noun or Nouns (can be singular or plural) -> Inanimate objects

None of us is staying (Is, here is singular)
None of us are staying (Are, here is plural)

None of the students were there when she returned to the classroom (Correct sentence)

4. No one - no person; not a single person (कोई आदमी नहीं; एक भी व्यक्ति नहीं)
No one = Nobody -> Never refer to inanimate objects

It is used just as it is and requires no helping words, and it does not need to point to a noun.

No one was there when she returned to the classroom
No one is staying
Quit complaining; no one touched your pickles!
My birthday cake will be shared equally by all. No one of you will have more than another

In these sentence, No one creates an emphasis.