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Ways to write a Date: तारीख लिखने के तरीके: 1. March 7 (Month   Day) - March Seventh --> 3/ 7/ 18 (month/ day/ year) Even if the -th i...

📅📆🗓Ways to write a Date: तारीख लिखने के तरीके:

Ways to write a Date:
तारीख लिखने के तरीके:

1. March 7 (Month   Day) - March Seventh --> 3/ 7/ 18 (month/ day/ year)

Even if the -th isn't written, an ordinal number is still said (March seven)

2. 7th March (Day   Month) - the seventh of March --> 7/ 3/ 18 (day/ month/ year)

Tips to remember:

1. Days - We always use ordinal numbers for the date of Spoken English (अंग्रेज़ी बोलते समय तारीख को क्रमसंख्या (first, second आदि) कहा जाता है)

1st - first
2nd - second
3rd - third
4th - fourth
5th - fifth and so on...

2. Months - months always start with capital letters (किसी भी महीने का पहला अक्षर (August/ June/ July) capital letters में लिखा जाता है)

august is incorrect (×)
August is correct (✓)

3. Years - Years are normally divided into two parts (अंग्रेज़ी में तारीख बोलते समय साल को दो भागो में बाटा जाता है)

1984 - Nineteen eighty four
1652 - nineteen forty one
2006 - two thousand and six
2018 - two thousand and eighteen

7/ 30/ 18 - July 30, 2018 or 30th July 2018