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🔣 Mathematics Symbols : 🔢 1️⃣➖ minus माइनस /negative निगेटीव  ◇  घटाना Ex. 9-4 = 5, 87-29 = 56, 8797- 4675 = 4122 2️⃣➕ plus प्लस /positiv...

Mathematics Symbols:

🔣 Mathematics Symbols: 🔢

1️⃣➖ minus माइनस /negative निगेटीव ◇ घटाना Ex. 9-4 = 5, 87-29 = 56, 8797- 4675 = 4122

2️⃣➕ plus प्लस /positive पोजिटिव ◇ जोड़ना Ex. 9+4 = 13, 87+29 = 116, 8797+4675 = 13472

3️⃣✖ multiplied by मल्टीप्लाइड बाय ◇ गुणा 9×4 = 36, 87×29 = 2523. 

4️⃣➗  divided by डिवाइडेड बाय ◇ भाग  1÷2 = 0.5, 4÷ 2 = 2, 25 ÷ 5 = 5

5️⃣ = equals इक्वल्स ◇ बराबर

6️⃣ is not equal to इज नाट इक्वल टु ◇ के बराबर नहीं

7️⃣ is approximately equal to इज एप्रोक्सीमेटली इक्वल टु ◇ लगभग बराबर है

8️⃣ ~ is equivalent to इज इक्वलंन टु ◇ के बराबर है

9️⃣  is identical with इज आईडेंटीकली विथ ◇ के समान है

🔟 ± plus or minus - In mathematics, it generally indicates a choice of exactly two possible values, one of which is the negation of the other.

1️⃣1️⃣ < less than लेस दैन ◇ से कम

1️⃣2️⃣ less than or equal to लेस दैन ऑर इक्वल टु ◇ से कम या बराबर

1️⃣3️⃣ > greater than ग्रेटर दैन  से अधिक

1️⃣4️⃣ greater than or equal to ग्रेटर दैन ऑर इक्वल टु  से अधिक या उसके बराबर

Basic math symbols

SymbolSymbol NameMeaning / definition
=equals signequality

not equal sign


approximately equal
strict inequality
 greater than
<strict inequalityless than
inequalitygreater than or equal to
inequalityless than or equal to
( )parenthesescalculate expression inside first
[ ]bracketscalculate expression inside first
+plus signaddition
minus signsubtraction
±plus - minusboth plus and minus operations
±minus - plusboth minus and plus operations
×times signmultiplication
multiplication dotmultiplication
÷division sign / obelusdivision
/division slashdivision
horizontal linedivision / fraction
modmoduloremainder calculation
.perioddecimal point, decimal separator
asquare root

a ⋅ a  = a

3acube root3a ⋅ 3√a  ⋅ 3√a  = a
4afourth root4a ⋅ 4√a  ⋅ 4√a  ⋅ 4√a  = a
nan-th root (radical) 
%percent1% = 1/100
per-mille1‰ = 1/1000 = 0.1%
ppmper-million1ppm = 1/1000000
ppbper-billion1ppb = 1/1000000000
pptper-trillion1ppt = 10-12